Thursday, February 26, 2009


I think that pregnant couples should get a break from doing their taxes!!! With the hormones, afternoon sickness, expanding figure, and prospect of being responsible for a miniature human being -- taxes are the farthest thing from what I want to be doing. The hours spent calculating line items could be spent on sleeping or eating or sleeping!!! Did I mention sleeping???? The only consolation during the midnight calculations is that we may get a decent return. Of course -- we may not -- but my brain can't even go there right now!!! Either way -- taxes suck and I'm relieved that we will be turning all this stuff over to an accountant this afternoon!!!! Good riddance!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Ok -- I think most everyone knows that up until 5 weeks ago I had dark auburn hair. I loved it. It was gorgeous. I thought I would never go back to blonde. Then I found out I was allergic to the PPD in color depositing dyes. My world was shattered -- ok -- it wasn't shattered -- but seriously disturbed. I had to begin the process of going back to blonde. YIKES. I knew that it was going to be a battle that would involve many processes, shades of orange never before seen on a human head, and damaged ends. I can safely say that all three of these situations did indeed occur!!! After lightening my hair twice on my own with a home highlighting kit (the results were far better than I could have hoped for) I decided that it was time to let the professionals tone down the orange and red still lingering. The pro added another round of highlights followed by an all over super duper uber gray ashe blonde. This trained stylist proceeded to leave the bleach on my already weak and damaged hair for 40 minutes then covered my whole head with the nasty gray color mentioned above. When all was said and done -- the parts that she bleached had pretty much burned off and the rest of my hair was a very unsightly shade of greenish/gray. I panicked -- threw a fit -- rolled on my bedroom floor crying my eyes out (ask Jason) -- then tried washing my hair. The color washed out a bit and I was left with an ashe blonde that was slightly more tolerable. The problem was that my hair was damaged beyond recognition. I knew in that moment that I would have to cut it off. I waited a few weeks before taking the plunge and lopping off my locks -- I needed to recover from the trauma of the color incident. So I gathered my courage Sunday morning and went to our favorite salon and told the gal (not my usual girl) to cut it to my chin with soft blendable layers -- I even showed her a picture. She styled my hair in this messy chunky style -- and I took off. This morning after I showered and started to style it myself I realized the horror that was the back of my head. As you can see in the first picture the left side of my hair is about an inch longer than right. Not the look I was going for. So I stormed back over to the salon and demanded that someone else fix the disaster that gal number 1 created. Hence picture number 2. I now have this insanely short A line cut that I never dreamed I would have in a million years. I'm trying to get used to it -- but when you get 9 inches hacked off of your head it's traumatic. I've had really positive responses to my hair and Jason seems to think that the short look is "sexy". So -- I'm gonna take everyone's word for it and hope that I too learn to love this new do!!! At the very least I hope I get better at styling it -- I have no idea how to manage it. I see many cute little hair clips and head bands in my future. Oh -- and the girl who fixed my hair said that this style would look really cute if I pulled either side back into pigtails!!! PIGTAILS???? Yeah -- the pebbles look is so in!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!! Anyhow -- that's the word over here for now!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009



Your baby is now nearly 1 inch long and weighs a bit less than 1/8 of an ounce. The embryonic tail at the bottom of your baby's spinal cord is shrinking, helping him or her look less like a tadpole and more like a developing person.

Your baby's head — which is nearly half the size of his or her entire body — is now tucked down onto the chest. Nipples and hair follicles begin to form. Your baby's pancreas, bile ducts, gallbladder and anus are in place. The internal reproductive organs, such as testes or ovaries, start to develop.

Your baby may begin moving this week, but you won't be able to feel it for quite a while yet.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Not to brag -- but my man has got it going on!!!! I just need to give a shout out to the one who rubs my back when I'm feeling agitated and irritated from the hormones, or rubs my neck when I have a headache the size of Dallas, or smoothes gold bond medicated powder on my itchy skin, or makes me homemade butternut squash soup just because it's my favorite, and straightens the house and kitchen nightly while I sip on tea and relax and grow a baby!!! He calls me his princess and everyday he does a million little things and a thousand big things that make me feel like I really am a princess. And every morning he cuddles up next to me and tells me over and over how in love with me he is and how beautiful he thinks I am. He makes my heart smile all the time and sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by the love that it's my heart for this man. Sometimes I feel like I can't breath and like my chest is going to burst. I thank God everyday for him and for the blessing and honor of his presence in my life. There is no one better suited for me and our baby. Thank you so much, Jason, for being the wonderful man that you are. Thank you for your love, support, kindness, compassion, and generosity. I can't wait to see you tonight!!! I miss you. I missed you when you walked out the door for work!!! I love you!!!!


So my luck may have run out!!! The night before last I got hit with a mind splitting headache that led to some mild but very noticeable nausea. I was convinced that I must have eaten something that was not agreeing with my head or my tummy. So I tried to sleep it off, but I woke up yesterday morning with the same intense headache and mild nausea. Uggggg. I felt like I had spent the night on a boat out at sea. Aweful. So I decided I was going to just go about my day and that it would probably wear off. Oh no no no no!!! At one point, while driving, I had to ask my mom to take over the wheel for me cause I was sure that I wouldn't make it home without unloading my lunch. It was a funny sight really. Mom and I playing chinese fire drill at a stop sign in the middle of the afternoon!!! By the time I laid down for bed last night I was still feeling pretty green. I had a quite a few moments throughout the day where I thought I was gonna blow -- but I managed to keep the chunks at bay. So today is a little better and thank God the headache is gone, but I still get these waves of nausea that threaten to send me to the nearest porceline bowl. I will update on how the "morning sickness" progresses. I'm hoping that my feeling a little better today is a good sign that the worst has passed. FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!!! Well -- who am I to complain? I've gotten off pretty lucky so far. Two days of nausea??? Really??? I'm counting my blessings!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So here we are -- 2 months gone and done and that belly is still as flat as ever!!! Oh well -- I have a sneaking suspicion that month 4 will be when our little blueberry decides to start popping. I'm still feeling pretty good -- minus the very itchy skin -- and I am finding that my first trimester doesn't feel all that different from my regular monthly cycle. I can still sleep like nobodies business -- and darn it -- I better get my sleep. There is nothing worse than a very sleepy, very cranky A-"mad"-na (just ask Jason)!!! I did have my first and only food aversion this month and I thought that it was a weird one -- but what's weird in pregnancy??? I nearly blew chunks when I thought about spreading cold butter onto my piece of bread. COLD BUTTER!!! Oh well -- the good news is that I can still look at butter and cook with it-- I just have to avoid imagining cold hard chunks of butter skipping across bread. I also developed an avid appetite for anything TOMATO. I'm not picky -- it can be sliced tomatoes, tomato soup, marinara sauce, salsa, etc -- you name it. That's pretty much everything to report. Cramping has completely disappeared and I'm planning on scheduling an ultrasound for week 10. I wanna make sure that everything looks good and I wanna see the heartbeat. We obviously won't schedule the gender determination screening until week 15 or 16. will definately post all pics when we get them!!!


I came across this picture on google images while obsessively searching for photos of growing pregnant bellies!!! It's the freaking cutest cake I have ever seen!!! I then became obsessed with finding the recipe and instructions for making such a cake -- and lo-and-behold -- I found it!!! It's way easier than you would think and involves baking 2 cakes in small glass mixing bowls (boobs) and 1 cake in a large glass bowl (belly) and getting a little creative with Fondant. I saw some with black dresses and pink and green!!! Would it be weird if I made the cake for my own baby shower??? LOL!!! I love it!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009



Eight weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is just over 1/2 of an inch long.

Your baby will develop webbed fingers and toes this week. Wrists, elbows and ankles are clearly visible, and your baby's eyelids are beginning to form. The ears, upper lip and tip of the nose also become recognizable.

As your baby's heart becomes more fully developed, it will pump at 150 beats a minute — about twice the usual adult rate.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Again -- no freaking way!!!! Abso-freaking-lutely no way under the sun!!! Or the moon!!! Or any other celestial body!!!! I bet there's about 6 or 8 babies crammed in this one too!!! Oh the pain -- oh the ITCH!!!! By the way -- does anyone else think that it's just cruel that this woman didn't get the jumbo breasts that should have accompanied this belly??? She was jipped!!! Anyway -- I am totally good with one bun up in my oven!!! ONE BUN!!!!


Ok -- I am -- sadly -- horrified by this woman!!! I usually look at women with round pregnant bellies in awe and wonder, but this woman -- that belly -- sweet Jesus -- it's disgusting. I am obviously horrified by this woman's unbelievabley selfish and irresponsible choices as well, but the sheer size of her belly coupled with the large thick veins and deep purple discoloration of the stretch marks is definately enough to send any newly pregnant woman into a state of shock and disgust!!!! And what's with the whole "Angelina" thing? Did she seriously have plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie? Why would anyone want those gi-normo crusty lips on their face???? Well, she's definately suffering from the same mental illness that Angelina suffers from. They both have an obsessive need to fill their lives with as many babies as can possibly be squeezed out of woman in a ridiculously short span of time. Congratulations Nadya -- you win!!! Freaking nuts!!!


So there is currently no visible rash, and all traces of the past rash are gone. The hives have finally dried up and cleared and I was able to enjoy a few itch free days. That is until Friday night. Friday night I noticed that I was beginning to get very itchy again, so I searched the areas that itch, only to find that my skin was very red and splotchy!!!! How could this be possible. A rash again??? So I retraced my steps and the only thing that I did the same this time that I did the following week was apply a combination of Olive/Coconut/Grapeseed oil (homemade) to my skin after my shower. I usually have no reaction to this, but I fear that this may be the offender! The good news is that I can continue to eat asparagus -- the bad news is that I may have another week of very itchy skin to endure. The only difference this time is that I have not developed any hives. My skin looks like a normal color right now and the only sign that there is anything wrong is that my skin is very very itchy!!! I am hoping that this is just another reaction that will cear up and that this isn't some kind of hormone related itchiness that a lot of women report during pregnancy. If this is something that I am going to be plagued with for the next 7 months then I am going to freaking lose my mind!!! I know that it can't be stretching related cause I have it on my legs, arms, and back!!!! Aye aye aye!!!! Well, I have an appointment with my Midwife this week and I'll see what she says. Other than that, I guess only time will tell.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009


So........ we celebrated V-day a little early this year. Jason just could not wait for me to open up these wonderful gifts. Despite my insistance upon waiting to receive them, Jason finally wore me down and I agreed to open them this evening. Ok -- fine -- it was me who couldn't wait -- but check out this loot!!! You wouldn't be able to wait either. So this year Jason came up with the sweetest theme and dedicated this ubber romantic holiday to making sure that his baby mama gets all the rest and relaxation that she needs!!!! So from top to bottom:
LEACHCO ALL NIGHTER BODY PILLOW: That gi-normo pillow was designed specifically with belly challenged ladies in mind. That bad boy helps support every nook and cranny that the body has and keeps those hips very well alighned!!! I slept with this last night and I felt like I was in a marshmallow cocoon!!! Heavenly.
EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY HAPPY FEET FOOT SOAK & CONAIR FOOT SPA: What an awesome combo gift!!! The foot soak smells like the most divine mixture of Lavendar, Rosemary, and Peppermint and feels even better than it smells. Steep a tea bags worth in the conair, light some candles, grab a cup of tea and your eye mask and R-E-L-A-X!!!! Plus the conair has like a million jets and bubbles and massage thinga-ma-jigs. Wow wow wow!!!! I couldn't resist trying it immediatley and well -- neither could Jason. What a ham!!!!
Thanks for all of the great gifts baby!!! You really are so thoughtful and so romantic!!!! You rock my sock!!!!


I was so surprised and so excited to receive this wonderful gift box from Linda for my birthday!!! It's a kit of various lotions, creams, and balms for expectant mums from a company called Lamaze which is paraben free and hypo-allergenic!!! With my rash in the very near past I welcome this sensitive skin friendly line with very very open arms!!!! Thank you so much Linda or shall I say Grandma Koiter!!!! The baby and I both appreciate being pampered!!!! Lots of Love!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's My Turn!

Okay, Amanda's been at the helm long enough! I've commandeered the official blogging laptop and hacked into the encrypted database where she keeps the login info and I'm taking over! Just kidding--but I did want to contribute a little bit more as well. I'm quite stoked about being a dad, and I welcome it with open arms. I know my wife (more formally known as Princess Amanda) will be an outstanding mom, and we're both excited about starting this next chapter of our lives. Anyway, I just wanted to chime in, get some official blog time, and tell our (half-dozen) readers that I'm looking forward to this incredible journey! Bye for now!



Seven weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is 1/3 of an inch long -- a little bigger than the top of a pencil eraser.He or she weighs less than aspirin tablet.

The umbilical cord -- your link between the baby and placenta -- is now clearly visible. The cavities and passages needed to circulate spinal fluid in your babies brain have formed, but your baby's skull is still transparent.

The arm bud that sprouted last week now resembles a tiny paddle. Your baby's face takes on more definition this week, as a mouth perforation, tiny nostrils and ear indentations become visible.

Monday, February 9, 2009


According to quite a few online pregnancy sources our bun is currently the size of a large blueberry!!! A BLUEBERRY!!!! How freaking cute!!! From now on (or until compared to another adoreable fruit) our little one will be dubbed "Our Little Blueberry"!!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Oh yeah -- I developed a nasty little rash the other day as well (which is the reason I haven't blogged in a few days -- my mind is totally obsessed with the itch). It's on my arms, hips, flanks of my back, and chest. I think it has something to do with something that I ate and I believe the culprit might be ASPARAGUS, although I'm not 100% sure. I got it late wednesday night and as of today (Saturday) it's still good and itchy!!! Maybe this is my version of "morning sickness"......;0)


Still feeling pretty amazing considering I'm in the middle of my 7th week. I have had some very VERY mild waves of nausea about once or twice and thought -- "Ok -- here we go" -- but I went on to feel absolutely great. I still have mnajor ta-ta aches and I get slammed with the fatigue bug here and there, but even the fatigue has let off a little. The cramping has really subsided and I only feel twinges every now and then. Renee (midwife) said that all of my blood work came back and looked great, which thrilled me to no end!!! I was a little nervous about the results -- I don't know why -- I had just a had a full panel run over the summer -- what could possibly have changed in 6 months??? Anyhow -- no diabetes -- no thyroid issues -- clean bill of health. So far so good!!!