Sunday, March 29, 2009


We finally got around to editing our ultrasound video down to just the highlights so that it could be viewed online. I hope that you all enjoy it as much as we have!!!


Ok -- so I couldn't wait another 2.5 weeks to post a picture of my new and curvy figure. Like I said before -- I went to bed one night with a fairly flat tummy and woke up the next morning with this very obvious baby bump. I'm pretty sure that a bump this size shouldn't have popped for another few weeks, which makes me quite certain that this is going to be one very large baby!!! That's not really too surprising considering that Jason was born weighing in just over 10lbs and I was just over 8lbs. I don't think I can escape it!!! It's amazing how tight and sore belly feels already and I still have 6.5 months to go. What an incredible journey this is going to be!!! I have to admit that I'm pretty excited about showing off my bump -- I love it -- except when I've over eaten and I feel like I'm going to burst!!! OUCHIE!!!! ;0)

Friday, March 27, 2009


A co-worker and new mom recently gave me a list of uber cool online baby stores to check out in case I was in the market for some trendy duds!!! Well -- I am -- and these stores do indeed carry some of the coolest baby clothes around. My baby (boy or girl) will have these ridiculously adorable chuck taylor knock-offs!!! Lately, I've been envisioning our little angel in the coolest and trendiest t-shirts, jeans, and hoodies. I see our little guy rocking some rock star duds and a faux-hawk -- or our little princess in some mini chucks, leggings, and an A/C D/C shirt!!!! I know that some people may like the more traditional stores -- and don't get me wrong -- they have cute stuff -- but I am so drawn to dressing our baby like a little rockstar!!! You gotta check these sites out!!! You'll love them!!!
Now the only thing left to do is wait 3 more weeks to find out if we will be dressing a little he or a little she!!! Rock Princess or Rock Stud????? I can't wait!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The baby bump that once existed only in my head has officially popped out for all to see. Anyone who doesn't know me might think that I have a sweet little bubble belly -- but those who know me have already begun commenting on my baby bump!!! I've already heard -- "Whoa -- where the heck did that come from -- did it pop out over night?" and "awe -- look -- you're showing!!!" and "wow -- so you really are pregnant". I'm feeling slightly conflicted about it at the moment as I have never -- in my life -- had anything that even remotely looked like a "belly". I'm so excited to finally have physical proof that our little one is growing rabidly inside of me -- but I'm also feeling a sense of loss for my once trim and svelt tummy. I will say this -- I love rubbing the baby -- I love having the round belly that says -- "Hey -- I'm gestating, here!!!" It really is a cool experience and I know that in a couple of days I will have forgotten all about the near perfect belly that I had just yesterday!!! I look at this way - no one ever wanted to rub my belly when it was just home to my guts. Now everyone can't keep their hands off of me -- well -- off of my belly at least...;0) It's Jason that can't keep his hands off of me -- he seems to think I'm pretty darn "belly-licous"!!! What a sweet man!!! Anyhow, I'm not gonna post a picture just yet -- I'm gonna wait until 16 weeks like I had planned that way I will be uber showing!!!


Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
You can't feel it yet, but your baby can move in a jerky fashion — flexing the arms and kicking the legs. This week, your baby might even be able to put a thumb in his or her mouth.

Your baby's eyelids are fused together to protect his or her developing eyes. Tissue that will become bone is developing around your baby's head and within the arms and legs. Tiny ribs may soon appear.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Ok -- it may not be obvious to anyone else -- but my belly is definately growing and my pre-pregnancy jeans don't lie!!! Even though they fit my butt and legs -- I can barely squeeze the button closed around my waist!!! OUCH!!! So, Jay and I went over to Target and I tried on several pairs of very unflattering maternity jeans. I was horrified. How could pregnant women be expected to suffer the humiliation of spending 9 months draped in such heinous attire??? There had to be something else. I mean -- the back side of these jeans made me look like I had the bum of a 60 year old woman. No offense to 60 year old women -- but my 29 year old ego would like to maintain my 29 year old derrier!!! So nana and I headed over to A Pea in the Pod this afternoon where I was greeted with dozens of butt friendly designer jeans that looked and felt fabulous!!! I fell in love. I wasn't sure that I would be able to tolerate maternity attire let alone love it -- but here I stand -- a woman deeply in love with her new designer digs!!! I mean -- pull-up jeans with an elastic belly band???? Ingenious!!!! I may never wear a regular pair of jeans again!!!! And -- I have my mom to thank for my new jeans and t-shirts!!! Thank you so much mom for treating me to the most comfortable clothes I have ever worn in my life!!! Yoou are the best!!!! And the baby thanks you too!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I know that our sweet angel's little ears are still not fully developed yet, but when he/she moved every time I laughed -- I knew that they were aware!!! very aware. So I began furiously searching my itunes for music that I could play for the baby. I wanted to create several playlists that could be used at various times. I wanted music to lull the baby to sleep at night, and music to wake up to, and music to inspire the baby, and music to help with brain developement. I have a small set so far, including: Bach for Breakfast, Baby Genius: Classical Music For Intelligence, Baby Genius: Classical Music to Fall Asleep To, Spirit Flutes, and some new age electronica with a Feng Shui vibe. I know that our collection will grow as my belly grows and that we will be able to incorporate diverse and stimulating sounds for our little ones ears!!! I wonder if the Beatles could inspire a future mini musician???? Or Hodges??? I wonder if our little one would dig on American as much as I do!?!?! Time will tell.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I am so relieved that we have finally moved past the delicate first trimester!!! Jason spent a few nights calming me and my fears about the possibilities of what could go wrong in those first few months, and here we are now, as proud as any two parents could be about our beautiful healthy baby. I have been one of the lucky few that suffered very minimally through the first three months, and even though I still have this rash, I know that it could all have been a lot worse. I had very little nausea to speak of, a handful of migrains, fatigue, and a rash. That's it. And let me tell you how worth it it all was just to see our precious little angel yesterday!!! I am so in love with our baby -- and I fell even deeper in love with my husband as I witnessed him literally glowing with joy as he watched our child. OUR CHILD!!! It was such a blessing to see the life that we created together (with God's help of course) on that TV monitor.

Today begins our journey through the second trimester, and I am looking forward with even greater joy to the months that lie ahead. I am also looking forward to not being quite as tired. If I can make it through and afternoon without nodding I will be one happy camper!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived!!! Look at how beautiful our sweet little angel is!!! The Doctor told us that he was very happy with the scan and that the baby looks very healthy!!! What a relief!!! I was also relieved to learn that this wasn't all just in my head. I had this weird irrational fear that somehow there just wouldn't be anything in there. That couldn't have been farther from reality. As soon as the tech starting scanning the baby started flipping over and flexing it's hands and stretching out it's arms and legs. I was so shocked to see the baby moving so much and so well this early on. What a treat. I was also shocked at how developed the baby is already. I think we had all envisioned something between a human and a tadpole. Not that sweet little face with those perfect arms and legs (with all the appropriate digits)!!! Nana and Jason were all tears of joy in the room and I couldn't hold em back either. Wish everyone could have been there to experience it with us!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Twelve weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is nearly 3 inches long and weighs about 4/5 of an ounce and is about the size of plum. Your baby's head is nearly half the size of his or her entire body.
This week marks the arrival of fingernails and toenails. Your baby's chin and nose will become more refined as well.



Ok -- so we're not officially 3 months pregnant until tomorrow, but we're having a sleepover tonight at nana's house and tomorrow night we have a dinner date with Trace and Dawn Ann -- so we had to race to take this picture first thing this morning. Hence the puffy hair and face!!!! I taken much more flattering pictures -- but I can safely say that I had only been awake for 4 minutes -- so I look pretty darn good!!! LOL. So -- as you can see -- still not much of a bump and this picture was taken before my morning "ritual". And no I don't mean my makeup. My stomach is feeling pretty tight and my uterus has definately popped up above my pubic bone which has pushed all of my other organs up and out a tiny bit -- giving me the slight bump that you see here. My pants are definately starting fit tighter now (especially my jeans that have no stretch to them), but I'm still in my pre-pregnancy clothes. No cute maternity attire yet!!! I think next months pictures are going to be very exciting!!! I believe there will be much "popping" to photograph in a few more weeks!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009


I can't believe that I didn't realize that we have less than 200 days until our due date!!!! I've been watching that little ticker every day up until this weekend. I got so sidetracked with packing up the townhome that I completely forgot that we were nearing the 199 day marker!!! Now look -- only 198 days left!!!! Can't wait till we hit 99!!!


It's official -- we have purchased our first package of Newborn Diapers!!!! No -- the jumbo size 4 diapers in the picture are not the ones we bought!!! LOL. Could you imagine the mess we would have on our hands when our newborn soiled those ginormo diedie's??? LOLOL!!!! I must admit that it felt a little weird purchasing diapers 7 months in advanced -- but we have agreed to stock up on diapers over the next several months so that we are at least somewhat prepared for the baby's arrival. We agreed that we will combine disposable diapers with cloth diapers at least until it's time to start potty training. We plan on using the disposables at night and when we're out and about, and we will stick to the cloth diapers during the day and if/when diaper rash occurs. I've been told that cloth diapers are the way to go when trying to potty train as they are non-absorbant and the baby feels the wetness and -- ummmmmm -- stickiness??? So -- we have several more months of cloth and disposable diaper shopping to go -- should be a blast!!! I can't wait until we can start buying clothes!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


When we first talked about having a baby we thought that we would just set up a crib in the corner of our bedroom and that the baby would stay with us until we got a bigger place. That was until my nesting instincts kicked in. I woke up one morning and just had to have a nursery. That was it. We needed 3 bedrooms and the itch would not stop until I got my way. So we began the hunt for a bigger home. The hunt led us down many paths -- including nearly purchasing a new home to rentals 25 miles into the mountains!!! We finally landed on a newly built 1,500 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, luxury apartment on the other side of town. We are getting out of Canyon Country and moving over to Valencia. The place is big and beautiful!!!! The bathrooms both have rounded tubs and the living room has crown molding. The kitchen is brand spanking new and the cabinets actually close!!! The complex has a swimming pool, business center, fitness center, children's playground, and dog park. Plus!!! PLUS!!! IT HAS 3 BEDROOMS!!! I will have my nursery!!! Oh joy!!! Now all we have to do is pack and move out by April 15!!!! I'm exhausted just thinking about it -- but it will be so worth it to have a nursery for our little blueberry!!! I think the baby may be bigger than blueberry by now -- actually I think I read somewhere that it's now the size of a large lime!!! Hmmmmm -- our little lime.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


From now until your 20th week of pregnancy -- the halfway mark -- your baby will increase his or her weight 30 times and will about triple in length. To make sure your baby gets enough nutrients, the blood vessels in the placenta are growing much larger and multiplying.
Your baby is now officially described as a fetus. Your baby's ears are moving up and to the side of the head this week. By the end of the week, your baby's external genitalia will develop into a recognizable penis or clitoris.


I know. I know. It looks like a bucket. Or as one woman wrote online -- a garbage can. But, apparently these have been used by Euro mums for quite some time and most of the reviewers and the website boast that babies who are normally fussy about baths love this little tub!!!
The manufacturer's website offers:
Designed from your baby's point of view, this bath allows your baby to sit in a natural upright position and keeps your baby warm and relaxed in the bath. Babies love this tub. Parents love it too because it is easy to use, comforting and secure for your baby.
I think it looks interesting -- and definately worth doing some more research on!!! I just may give this primitive contraption a try!!!


Monday, March 9, 2009


I know it's a little early for deciding baby names -- especially since we don't even know what the baby's sex is -- but we couldn't help ourselves. We've spent the last few weeks compiling this list of potential names for our little blueberry and we would love to know which ones you like!!! So here goes:


Ruger Denim Koiter
Colt Del Monte Koiter
Remington Kevlar Koiter


Kimber Cashmere Koiter
Beretta Lullaby Koiter
Cimarron Seduction Koiter

Smith Etage & Wesson Tide Koiter

We are really excited about this list and can't wait to hear what you think!!! By the way -- if anyone is wondering -- our avid support for the second ammendant has been our inspiration through this whole process!!!!! ;0)


Ah -- the endless debate of Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers!!! I must admit that I myself have battled back and forth with the notion of which would be better to use. Let's just start with the obvious aesthetic fact -- cloth diapers are waaaaaay cuter!!!! They have cloth diapers covers that come in the most adoreable designs and colors. Disposable diapers are -- well -- you know what they look like. So -- what about the other more important factors? Like cost.
Cost estimates show that disposable diapers will run approximately $50 to $80 per month, using a diaper service will cost approximately $50 to $80 per month and laundering your own cloth diapers will cost slightly less at approximately $25 to $60 per month.
In general, if you compare the cost of the fancier high tech disposable diapers to the cost of laundering your own cloth diapers, you will save money by using cloth diapers and laundering them yourself.
And what about skin care and & heatlth concerns? The greatest concern for parents is to keep their baby’s skin dry, healthy and free from diaper rash. Many things can cause diaper rash. Prolonged wetness, lack of air circulation, soap, chemical and dye allergies, ammonia formed by bacteria that interacts with urine left sitting against the skin and the growth of microbes in the diaper area can all be irritating and cause rashes. Some concerns about disposable diapers have been about dyes, sodium polyacrylate (the super absorbent gel), and dioxin, which is a by-product of bleaching paper. Sodium polyacrylate has been linked in the past to toxic shock syndrome, allergic reactions and is very harmful and potentially lethal to pets. Some dyes and dioxin according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is known to cause damage to the central nervous system, kidneys, and liver. The (FDA) Food & Drug Administration has received reports that fragrances in disposables caused headaches, dizziness and rashes. Problems reported to the Consumer Protection Agency regarding disposables include, chemical burns, noxious chemical and insecticide odors, babies pulling disposables apart and putting pieces of plastic into their noses and mouth, choking on tab papers and linings, plastic melting onto the skin, and ink staining the skin. Plastic tabs can also tear skin if the diaper is not properly put on the baby. On the other hand cloth diapers can cause rashes by not being changed enough or properly cleaned and sanitized after becoming soiled.
Lastly -- the convenience factor. With the newer style of cloth diapers that are on the market, disposable diapers are not much more convenient that cloth diapers. The new multiple layer, Velcro fastening cloth diapers are just as easy to put on and take off as disposables. Cloth diapers do not really need to be presoaked, or even rinsed out. Flushable liners can be used with cloth diapers that let you lift the soiled liner off the cloth and flush the liner and the poop down the toilet. If you don’t use liners, you can just dump the older baby’s solids down the toilet. Cloth diapers usually only add about 2 extra loads of laundry a week to your schedule.
Disposable diapers are more convenient when traveling because you can just throw the dirty diapers away without carrying them around for washing. Disposables also require fewer changes because of the super absorbent materials; but taking into consideration the increased risks of rash , the decision should be made with much thought.
So all that said and done -- cloth diapers sound like the more responsible and cost effective choice. However, the disposables are still calling my name. I guess it's the lazy gal in me hoping to save some time and energy!!!! What to do. I have a feeling I'll use both!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


LOS ANGELES--A surprising new study released Monday by UCLA's Institute For Child Development revealed that human babies, long thought by psychologists to be highly inquisitive and adaptable, are actually extraordinarily stupid.
The study, an 18-month battery of intelligence tests administered to over 3,500 babies, concluded categorically that babies are "so stupid, it's not even funny."
According to Institute president Molly Bentley, in an effort to determine infant survival instincts when attacked, the babies were prodded in an aggressive manner with a broken broom handle. Over 90 percent of them, when poked, failed to make even rudimentary attempts to defend themselves. The remaining 10 percent responded by vacating their bowels.
"It is unlikely that the presence of the babies' fecal matter, however foul-smelling, would have a measurable defensive effect against an attacker in a real-world situation," Bentley said.
Another test, in which the infants were placed on a mound of dirt outdoors during a torrential downpour, produced similarly bleak results.
"The chicken, dog and even worm babies that we submitted to the test as a control group all had enough sense to come in from the rain or, at least, seek shelter under a leafy clump of vegetation or outcropping of rock," test supervisor Thomas Howell said. "The human babies, on the other hand, could not grasp even this incredibly basic concept, instead merely lying on the ground and making gurgling noises."
According to Howell, almost 60 percent of the infants tested in this manner eventually drowned.
Some of the babies tested were actually so stupid that they choked to death on pieces of Micronaut space toys. Others, unable to use such primitive instruments as can openers and spoons due to insufficient motor skills, simply starved to death, despite being surrounded by cabinets full of nutritious, life-giving Gerber-brand baby-food products.
Babies, the study concluded, are also too stupid to do the following: avoid getting their heads trapped in automatic car windows; use ice to alleviate the pain of burn injuries resulting from touching an open flame; master the skills required for scuba diving; and use a safety ladder to reach a window to escape from a room filled with cyanide gas.
"As a mother of four, I find these results very disheartening," Bentley told reporters. "I can honestly say that the effort I have expended trying to raise my children into intelligent beings may have been entirely wasted--a fool's dream, if you will."
Study results also prompted a strong reaction from President Clinton. "All of us, on some primitive, mammalian level, feel a great sense of pride in our offspring," Clinton said. "It is now clear, however, that these feelings are unfounded. Given the overwhelming evidence of their profound stupidity, we have no choice but to replace our existing infant population with artificially incubated simu-drones, with the eventual goal of phasing out the shamefully stupid human baby forever."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So -- the infamous pregnancy food aversions/cravings have definately snuck their way into my life. I wouldn't say that they are in any way exciting or weird, though. Actually, they are quite boring. I pretty much get nauseous (very mildly) if I think about eating. I just have to do it and not think about it. I can't eat a whole lot of meat. For some reason I can get down about 3 or 4 bites of meat before my stomach tells me -- "Hey, that's enough"!!! I crave very bland foods with cheese. Bagels and cream cheese, macaroni and cheese, pasta with olive oil and parmesan, sliced bread with cheese -- you get the picture. I love plain and chunky oatmeal, a bowl of Cheerio's or Lucky Charms, and fruit. Any fruit will do. I crave crave crave Orange Juice, but I can only drink about 3 ounces of it before I my stomach starts to flip. Oh -- and I still love me some Rubio's Burritos and Tapatio!!! Now, don't get me wrong, when I say that my stomach flips or that I get nauseous -- I don't mean "morning sickness" style. I have been very lucky in that regard. I was hit with about a week of mild "motion sickness" and then set free. It's hard to explain how the food makes me feel. It's just a really slight icky feeling in the pit of my stomach. So for 10 weeks preggers -- I'm feeling incredible -- oh -- minus the rash -- which I still have ;0(!!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Boys drool, but boys rule!

Yeah, I said it. In the spirit of all things fun I decided to post a "I'm wishin' for a boy" blog to even out Amanda's "I think it's a girl" post:) Yeah every guy hopes for a boy, and I guess I'm no different. Now don't get me wrong, I'll be overjoyed no matter what we have, but my inner child is saying 'I want a little mini Jay Jay to play with!' Just think: if we have a boy we can have a spaghetti-o's eating contest, get it EVERYWHERE, and I can tell my wife we're "bonding" and I won't get in trouble! Awesome! And that's just the beginning. Anywho, we'll find out either way in the next 4-6weeks or so, and of course, we'll keep you posted. Bye!


By now your baby's vital organs have a solid foundation. The embryonic tail has disappeared completely, and your baby has fully seperated fingers and toes. The bones of your baby's skeleton begin to form.
This week your baby's brain will begin to produce almost 250,000 new neurons every minute.
Your baby's eyelids are no longer transparent. The outer ears are starting to assume their final form, and tooth buds are forming as well. If your baby is a boy, his testes will begin producing the male hormone testosterone.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Supposedly, the Chinese have an ancient formula for predicting the gender of unborn babies. I was, obviously, very intrigued by this concept and ran a search on the net for an online predictor. I found two different types -- the first one was a program where you plug in the mother's birth date and the date of conception and the computer does the figuring!!!! The second one was a Chinese lunar calendar that has already been calculated for the entire year. Interestingly enough, the first program predicted a boy and the second one predicted a girl!!! So -- unless we're preggo with twins -- the Chinese are an unreliable source for gender prediction. Again -- we'll just have to wait!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have been really fortunate in with my first trimester symptoms. Of course I got hit 2 weeks ago with some moderate nausea and some headaches, but those only seemed to last about week and now I'm feeling pretty darn good. I'm still really tired all of the time and my appetite has really begun to increase. I never seem to get enough to eat!!! My mood has been touch and go as well. I'm finding that I've been a little short on patience and irritable. It's not all the time and can be very sporadic. There's no telling when my mood will head south. The rash is still in full force and I have finally decided to visit the dermatologist. I'm hoping they will be able to tell me what this rash is and why I have had it for over 3 weeks now. The rash is the worst part and I'm pretty sure that it's the discomfort from the rash that negatively impacts my mood. I really can't complain though -- I've read all of the horror stories and I must admit that everything is going quite smoothly!!!


I know it's so early -- and we have another 5 weeks before we'll be able to tell the gender of our baby, but I have been feeling certain that the baby is a girl. It's not wishful thinking -- Jay and I would love to have a boy, but I can't shake the feeling that our little one is a little she. So -- I suppose this is my official guess at the sex of the baby. My gut is telling me -- girl. Now if my instincts on the gender are as good as my instincts on driving directions, then we are definately set to have a boy. Only time will tell -- but I'm sticking with my gut for now.


Ever since we decided to start looking for a place with a third bedroom for the baby, I have been obsessed with what our nursery will look like. I have this vision of white upon white layers and textures, possibly with hints of natural tones like tan or soft blue (for boy) or soft pink (for girl). I found a couple of pictures that are similar to what I have in mind and they are posted here!!! I love the third picture the most. We have quite a few pieces that we can use in the nursery, like a white metal and crystal chandelier!!! We definately need a crib and dresser/diaper changing station -- and whatever else we might find to enhance the room!!! My mom and I are taking on this project together -- and by the end of august it should be completed!!! I hope that we can make my dreams of a white nursery come true!!!!