Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I was kicking back, loving on the baby, and I realized that I don't think I ever officially announced his name!!! We've been calling him by it since I was 18 weeks pregnant and we've had it picked out since before he was conceived!!! I'm pretty sure that everyone already knows it -- but I will announce it officially -- just for the heck of it!!! Drum roll please -- our little bundle of boy has officially been named -- MILES ALEXANDER KOITER!!! Like I said -- since week 18 he has been lovingly referred to as "Baby Miles" and we are so in love with the name. Most people agree -- and we've been really blessed by the out pouring of support and love for the name. Of course, there are those few people who sneer or make rude comments because they think that it matters to us that they don't like the name -- but it doesn't. It's like Nana Bernero said -- she likes it and that's all that should matter!!! ;0) Beside the fact that the name is simultaneously cute and distinguished, we also love the meaning behind it. Miles is of Latin origin and means Soldier or Warrior and Alexander means Defender of Humankind. He's our little Soldier of Humankind!!! Miles means merciful in german, as well, so you could even say that he's A Merciful Soldier of Humankind!!! What a strong and honorable name!!! He's also named after one the greatest music legends of all time -- Mr. Davis himself. Of course, none of that really matters, because he could have no name and he'd till be the most incredible baby ever!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
took us some time to come up with a celebration theme that wouldn't be a complete dud with the fellas. I had a feeling that diaper cakes and cutesie baby games wouldn't go over well. So we came up with the theme of all themes. "A Star is Born"!!! We are holding a red carpet event in honor of the future premier of baby Miles Alexander Koiter!!! We have such a cool night planned, including the ever popular red carpet pre-show. We made this really cool backdrop to interview and photograph our guests in front of as they arrive on the red carpet. We plan to make a video of all of the nights events so that we can have something to show Miles when he's older. Of course -- we couldn't help but ham it up in for eachother after we completed the backdrop. Miles is going to look back at these pictures one day and be horrified at what dorks his mommy and daddy are. I'll just remind him that this was just a small example of how much we loved him before even arrived. We're really excited about how well this part of the project came out and I can't wait to share more details and pictures with you as we get them. For now I will tell you that we plan on having "non girlie" food, beer & wine, and a few guy friendly games. I'll save the details for another post!!! Until then --
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Yyyyyyouch!!! Baby Miles has made a permanent home for his feet in my rib and diaphragm area. Several times a day I find myself trying to push his not so little feet down and out of my lungs. It's one of those not so pleasant experiences in this miraculous journey. I wonder if he's in there saying "Hey -- stop pushing my feet lady -- I'm cozy in here!!!" or "Geez -- I'm just trying to spread out a little -- you know -- get in some stretching!!!" It's all the other amazing ways that he moves in my belly that makes the rib jabs uber worth it, though. As uncomfortable as those kicks can be -- I honestly wouldn't trade them for world. When my belly starts moving around like jello I get giddy knowing that our beautiful, healthy little boy is strong enough to really knock the wind out of his mommy. Or at the very least it makes me feel slightly vomitous!!! He really is getting strong and his daddy loves to put his head on my belly so that he can get a jab or two on the cheeks. Only 73 days to go...... ahhhhhhhh.....
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I know we're already coming up on 30 weeks and this picture is long over due, but here it is!!! There is baby Miles all cozied up in my small basketball shaped belly!!! Thanks to Jason's amazing memory -- we did actually remember to take this picture at 28 weeks, it just took me sometime to work up the desire to hop on the computer and upload it!!!! I know it doesn't look like it, but I have been gaining my pregnancy weight at a text book rate. I have officially added 20lbs to my pre-pregnacy weight and my midwife is very pleased. She and Jason pressed around and examed my belly and were pleased to discover that little Miles is presenting head down at the moment, although he is face forward. I'm hoping that he will remain head down and turn face anterior by the time he arrives. The idea of back labor does not sound appealing to me!!! It was a really exciting prenatal appointment!!! Jason got to to feel the babies head and even a leg. We also listened to the heartbeat once again, and that little ticker is beating like a champ!!! I love meeting with our Midwife -- it's so reassuring to hear Miles' heart beating. It just let's me know that he's doing really well, even though I can't see him. It's probably a good thing that I can't see him -- I'd never get anything done --I'd just stare at him all day long. I don't think anyone would blame me, though.
I know it has been ages since my last post!!! After my dad was admitted into the hospital for pneumonia I lost track of blogging and now late term pregnancy has me slightly unmotivated to do anything but lounge around in my extra cozy pj's watching episode after episode of X-Files!!! We are closing in on 30 weeks and I am really starting to feel the effects of carrying our little guy around. Mostly just the usual stuff -- fatigue, achey, emotional..... you know. I've also been experiencing a not so common pain in my right back rib cage. I broke a rib several years back and my uterus has grown up and in to it and is causing a significant amountof pain and pressure. My chiropractor says that the way the bone healed, coupled with scar tissue, can cause the pain as well as the possibility that it could be pushed out of alignment. I've been getting adjusted once a week and it helps take the edge off, but it looks like baby Miles and are in it for the long haul. The pain will most likely disappear after the baby is born. Other than that and the fact that my stomach seems to be growing at an alarmingly rapid rate, there's not much else to report. Of course, the heat stinks (100+ degrees) and time seems to be slowing down as we approach the due date. I am so anxious to meet baby Miles. I actually experience moments of deep longing for him. I want to hold him in my arms so badly!!! Only 10 more weeks to go!!!
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