Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Funny picture, right? What the heck is that woman doing???? She's doing exactly what my Midwife did at our latest prenatal last Friday!!! Renee did not have her doppler on hand to listen to Baby Miles' heart beat. Instead she brought this handy dandy little contraption called a Fetoscope. It's basically a stethoscope that is used to monitor fetal heart rate. I personally found this HI-LARRY-US!!! Why on earth would you need to use your forehead to listen??? According to Renee, there is some connection to the bones in the forehead and the correct amount of pressure needed to hear the heart beat properly. Ok -- but it's still funny as all get out!!! All laughing aside -- Baby Miles is still doing really well and he has the strongest most beautiful heart beat!!! Jason was able to feel Miles' head again and it appears that our little bundle of boy's head is nestled very low in my pelvic girdle. This is such exciting news -- and means I won't likely drop too much more as he is about as low he can get. There is nothing breech about this baby!!! Of course, the pain in my ribs has been an indication all along that his little feet have been up at the top of my uterus for a long time now. The pain is so worth it, though. I can't wait to hold him!!! The rest of our appointment consisted of getting referrals for pediatricians and urologists (for the circumcision) and writing down a list of all of the items that we will need to have on hand for Miles' Birthday!!!! With only 8 weeks left to go, we really have a lot of preparation to do!!!

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