Thursday, June 11, 2009


From the looks of it -- this kid is planning on continuing to get bigger!!! Our little Miles is already almost 2 pounds and the top of my uterus is sitting right between my ribs and belly button. Our midwife measured my belly yesterday and baby Miles and I are measuring at exactly 24 weeks in size which is perfect perfect perfect!!!! I am very visibly pregnant at this point and am totally loving the added bonus of much larger jubblies!!! I am a little concerned that at their current rate of growth I may end up with jubblies in the E range -- slightly horrifying -- but Jason won't mind ;0)!!! Now that I am noticeably pregnant I am beginning to run into the issues that other pregnant women have warned me about -- rude comments about how "HUGE" I look or will get -- unsolicited opinions on how I should behave and what I should be doing to take care of my body and the baby -- many many MANY hands on the belly (some days you just want to be treated like a person and not like a discovery channel exhibit) -- and many more!!! My favorite one so far --(dufus) "Well at least the baby will be here in 2 short months" (me) "Ummmm -- the baby is arriving in 4 more months" ( dufus) "Oh My God!!! If you're this big already, you're gonna be huge" (me) "Thanks." A lot of people that I work with also seem to think that the baby can understand English (or any other language for that matter) and give me looks of disapproval when we are discussing violent story lines. Apparently I am a bad mother for not pumping my uterus full of classical music during such discussions. My midwife and I had a good laugh at this one. The only thing sweet little Miles understands is my emotions -- and when people presume to know what's best for me and my baby -- it ticks me off -- and Miles knows when mommy is mad!!! With that being said -- there is nothing I love more than playing music for our little guy!!! He loves to move to the sounds and I love to feel him moving. He has even gone to a few of his daddy's rock concerts and let me tell you how much Miles loves to hear his daddy play!!!! I swear it gives me fits of giggles!!!! I love this little boy. I love all of my boys!!! Jay Jay, Chicago, and Miles -- MY BOYS!!!! As far as how I am feeling physically -- I feel amazing!!! Being pregnant is such an incredible experience -- and I am so blessed to be feeling as magnificent as I do. I do think it's time for a prenatal massage and a back and hip adjustment -- my back is starting to feel a little tweaked -- but I know just the right practitioners!!!! Love you all!!!!

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