Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that this pregnancy was no surprise to Jay and I. We've been TTC (trying to concieve) for a few months now and I have to admit that there was some major naivity on my part. I was convinced that as soon as we shelved those little latex barriers that our first attempt would result in a positive pregnancy test. I thought -- it's just that easy. Well, when nothing but a BIG FAT NEGATIVE resulted that month I thought "Huh, that's peculiar." So I dug my feet in a little more, reworked our "TTC Schedule" and we tried again. Still nothing. So I finally had to admit that we were clearly not the picture of TTC perfection that I had painted. I had to admit that we didn't know what the heck we were doing and that we needed help. So I enlisted the help of this amazing website called You basically chart 4 signs of fertility: Cervical Position, Cervical Fluid, Basal Body Temp., and Ovulation Predictor Test/Fertility Monitors. I had no idea that getting pregnant was so much work or that it was such a shot in the dark. I learned through my research that the average woman has a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant each month. WHAT???? So you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting pregnant in a 6 month span????? Anyway -- I started charting all the signs, taking my temp. at 7:30 every morning, and taking these little ovulation predictor tests. This chart was our first ever and I cannot believe it, but it worked. Look at that thing!!! In my humble opinion -- that is the most perfect temperature chart around!!!! A little jagged and peaky before ovulation (day 12). A huge spike the day after ovulation (day 13), followed by a slow rise and then an implantation dip (day 21) and then a very steady and even raised temp. ever since. Presto preggo!!!! Now we have a 9 month -- well 8 months now -- journey ahead of us and I can't wait meet our little embryo!!!!

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