Friday, February 20, 2009


So my luck may have run out!!! The night before last I got hit with a mind splitting headache that led to some mild but very noticeable nausea. I was convinced that I must have eaten something that was not agreeing with my head or my tummy. So I tried to sleep it off, but I woke up yesterday morning with the same intense headache and mild nausea. Uggggg. I felt like I had spent the night on a boat out at sea. Aweful. So I decided I was going to just go about my day and that it would probably wear off. Oh no no no no!!! At one point, while driving, I had to ask my mom to take over the wheel for me cause I was sure that I wouldn't make it home without unloading my lunch. It was a funny sight really. Mom and I playing chinese fire drill at a stop sign in the middle of the afternoon!!! By the time I laid down for bed last night I was still feeling pretty green. I had a quite a few moments throughout the day where I thought I was gonna blow -- but I managed to keep the chunks at bay. So today is a little better and thank God the headache is gone, but I still get these waves of nausea that threaten to send me to the nearest porceline bowl. I will update on how the "morning sickness" progresses. I'm hoping that my feeling a little better today is a good sign that the worst has passed. FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!!! Well -- who am I to complain? I've gotten off pretty lucky so far. Two days of nausea??? Really??? I'm counting my blessings!!!!

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