Monday, March 23, 2009


Ok -- it may not be obvious to anyone else -- but my belly is definately growing and my pre-pregnancy jeans don't lie!!! Even though they fit my butt and legs -- I can barely squeeze the button closed around my waist!!! OUCH!!! So, Jay and I went over to Target and I tried on several pairs of very unflattering maternity jeans. I was horrified. How could pregnant women be expected to suffer the humiliation of spending 9 months draped in such heinous attire??? There had to be something else. I mean -- the back side of these jeans made me look like I had the bum of a 60 year old woman. No offense to 60 year old women -- but my 29 year old ego would like to maintain my 29 year old derrier!!! So nana and I headed over to A Pea in the Pod this afternoon where I was greeted with dozens of butt friendly designer jeans that looked and felt fabulous!!! I fell in love. I wasn't sure that I would be able to tolerate maternity attire let alone love it -- but here I stand -- a woman deeply in love with her new designer digs!!! I mean -- pull-up jeans with an elastic belly band???? Ingenious!!!! I may never wear a regular pair of jeans again!!!! And -- I have my mom to thank for my new jeans and t-shirts!!! Thank you so much mom for treating me to the most comfortable clothes I have ever worn in my life!!! Yoou are the best!!!! And the baby thanks you too!!!!

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