Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So -- the infamous pregnancy food aversions/cravings have definately snuck their way into my life. I wouldn't say that they are in any way exciting or weird, though. Actually, they are quite boring. I pretty much get nauseous (very mildly) if I think about eating. I just have to do it and not think about it. I can't eat a whole lot of meat. For some reason I can get down about 3 or 4 bites of meat before my stomach tells me -- "Hey, that's enough"!!! I crave very bland foods with cheese. Bagels and cream cheese, macaroni and cheese, pasta with olive oil and parmesan, sliced bread with cheese -- you get the picture. I love plain and chunky oatmeal, a bowl of Cheerio's or Lucky Charms, and fruit. Any fruit will do. I crave crave crave Orange Juice, but I can only drink about 3 ounces of it before I my stomach starts to flip. Oh -- and I still love me some Rubio's Burritos and Tapatio!!! Now, don't get me wrong, when I say that my stomach flips or that I get nauseous -- I don't mean "morning sickness" style. I have been very lucky in that regard. I was hit with about a week of mild "motion sickness" and then set free. It's hard to explain how the food makes me feel. It's just a really slight icky feeling in the pit of my stomach. So for 10 weeks preggers -- I'm feeling incredible -- oh -- minus the rash -- which I still have ;0(!!!!

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